Quinoa Flake Oatmeal
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Serves: 1 serving
  1. Bring water and a sprinkle of himalayan sea salt to a boil.
  2. Add in oats, quinoa flakes, vanilla extract, cinnamon + vanilla collagen and stir in for about a minute.
  3. Bring the heat down to a simmer and cook for about 5 minutes until most of the water is absorbed.
  4. Turn off the heat, add in the 2 tbsp of non-dairy milk + stir to make it extra creamy!
  5. Place into a bowl or wide mouth mason jar and toppings. Enjoy! (Pro tip: Add the almond butter as a layer on the top of oatmeal and then add berries + the rest.)
Recipe by at https://www.littleadaptsbyjax.com/quinoa-flake-oatmeal/